We believe educators need high-quality, authentic experiences in the distance environment as learners to succeed in it as teachers and professional learning providers. Our remote work embraces the same approach as our in-person work. We leverage prior knowledge, keep it relevant, boost teacher agency, and invest in collaboration.
Teacher Professional Learning
Facilitation Intensive
- In-person or remote | 1 full day or four 90-min sessions remotely
- For professional learning providers
Prepare teacher leaders and staff developers to facilitate professional learning. Rooted in MSS’s proven facilitation model, but not specific to leading MSS professional learning.
Science & Engineering at Distance
- Remote | ~180 min
- For K–12 teachers, coaches, leaders
An adult-level science or engineering distance learning experience specifically designed to boost engagement and minimize roadblocks — coupled with an opportunity to unpack the design, facilitation principles, and technology use.
Leading a Making Sense of Student Work PLC
- Remote | ~90 min
- For teacher leaders, coaches, administrators, and professional learning providers
Prepare teacher leaders to support and lead PLC meetings using the Making Sense of Student Work protocol. Support for how to use the protocol in-person or remotely are provided.
Leading a Classroom Innovations PLC
- Remote | ~90 min
- For teacher leaders, coaches, administrators, and professional learning providers
Prepare yourself to support and lead PLC meetings using the Classroom Innovations protocol. Includes how to use the protocol in-person and remotely.
Leading a Professional Learning Simulation
- In-person or remote | 1 full day or variable remotely
- For coaches, leaders, & professional learning providers
Support those responsible for shaping or implementing educational innovations. This simulation provides a low risk place to practice all the stages of implementing initiatives, lots of collaborative problem solving, and research on managing change, the critical importance of data, and building momentum for innovation.
Investigations in Distance Teaching & Learning
- Remote | 30–90 min sessions
- For K–12 teachers, coaches, leaders
Learn to boost engagement and minimize roadblocks in distance learning. A series of sessions helps establish and support a community focus on optimizing distance teaching & learning.
Professional Learning Communities
Leading a Making Sense of Student Work PLC
- Remote | ~90 min
- For teacher leaders, coaches, administrators, and professional learning providers
Prepare teacher leaders to support and lead PLC meetings using the Making Sense of Student Work protocol. Support for how to use the protocol in-person or remotely are provided.
Leading a Classroom Innovations PLC
- Remote | ~90 min
- For teacher leaders, coaches, administrators, and professional learning providers
Prepare yourself to support and lead PLC meetings using the Classroom Innovations protocol. Includes how to use the protocol in-person and remotely.
Leadership Development
Leading a Making Sense of Student Work PLC
- Remote | ~90 min
- For teacher leaders, coaches, administrators, and professional learning providers
Prepare teacher leaders to support and lead PLC meetings using the Making Sense of Student Work protocol. Support for how to use the protocol in-person or remotely are provided.
Leading a Classroom Innovations PLC
- Remote | ~90 min
- For teacher leaders, coaches, administrators, and professional learning providers
Prepare yourself to support and lead PLC meetings using the Classroom Innovations protocol. Includes how to use the protocol in-person and remotely.
Leading a Professional Learning Simulation
- In-person or remote | 1 full day or variable remotely
- For coaches, leaders, & professional learning providers
Support those responsible for shaping or implementing educational innovations. This simulation provides a low risk place to practice all the stages of implementing initiatives, lots of collaborative problem solving, and research on managing change, the critical importance of data, and building momentum for innovation.
Free Resources for Distance Teaching
Converting In-Person Activities to Distance Learning Activities
- For teachers, coaches, and leaders
This tip sheet highlights a few key ways to transition common in-person activities to a digital setting.
Supporting Children During Covid-19
- For teachers, coaches, and leaders
This tipsheet highlights simple things caregivers can do to ensure children come through this experience happy, healthy, and fully enriched.
Distance Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- For teachers, coaches, and leaders
Explore five principles for educators to consider as they make the shift to digital classrooms in response to COVID related school closures.
Tips & Tricks for Interactive Video Sessions
- For teachers, coaches, and leaders
With at-home learning, students are no longer captive audiences in a place that is highly focused on learning.