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Dynamic Earth

Earth is a dynamic system teeming with interactions. From the microbiological interactions that decompose to the macro geological interactions that erode and renew. Earth is ever on the move.

In this 5-day face-to-face professional learning course, participants work to make sense of Earth’s systems by exploring interactions within and among the pedosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. Throughout the course, participants engage in active discourse as they work to understand the science for themselves as adult learners.

Interwoven with the science are Literacy Investigations that provide participants with an opportunity to engage with contextualized discussions that focus on the unique nature of discourse in science. Teaching Investigations provides an opportunity to connect their own adult learning to the classroom context and explore major themes of Next Generation Science teaching and learning.

There’s something about physically doing the exploration yourself. You’re formulating the questions — what if I do this? What if I do this other thing? What am I going to expose?

5th Grade Teacher
photo of participants in professional learning
  • Audience: For teachers of grades 4–5 next generation science
  • Time: In-person | 5 full days

Example implementations

Next Generation Science in Milwaukee Public Schools

Next Generation Earth Science across New Mexico 

  • MSS engaged professional learning providers in a Facilitation Academy for NGSI: Dynamic Earth
  • MSS deepened professional learning provider skills with a Facilitation Intensive 
  • Professional learning providers facilitated NGSI: Dynamic Earth statewide during summer institutes
  • MSS Teacher Surveys & Assessments were administered, and reports for each course were created

Ready to bring our Dynamic Earth course to your district?

Our speciality is customizing professional learning pathways to meet the needs of our partners. 

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Companion Resources & Services

Photo of facilitator completing a chart

Facilitation Academy

Prepare staff developers to facilitate a specific MSS Course. Attendees experience the course as learners and delve into the techniques needed to facilitate it for participants.

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Surveys & Assessments for Teachers and Leaders

Use our surveys to collect professional learning feedback and determine teacher self-efficacy and confidence. Our assessments gauge student and adult science content knowledge assessment, teacher NGSS knowledge assessment, and teacher pedagogical science knowledge.

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Transforming Science Classrooms

MSS teacher professional learning affects students' opportunities to learn by supporting teachers in changing what they teach, and how they teach it.

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