This informative resource provides more information about the function and purpose of each dimension in the NGSS standards and how they connect to the work of practicing scientists.
This one-page resource outlines eight dimensions of science education that promote equitable engagement of all learners.
This helps me think more deeply about the three dimensions of the standards.
- Type: PDF
- Audience: For teachers, coaches, and leaders
Resource Type
Companion Resources & Services
NGSI: Crosscutting Concepts Course Materials
This comprehensive set of materials supports the professional learning in our NGSI: Crosscutting Concepts course.
NGSI: Science and Engineering Practices Course Materials
This comprehensive set of materials supports the professional learning in our NGSI: Science and Engineering Practices course.
Matter Course Materials
This comprehensive set of materials supports the professional learning in our 5-day Matter course.
Genes & Traits Course Materials
This comprehensive set of materials supports the professional learning in our 5-day Genes & Traits course.
Force & Motion Course Materials
This comprehensive set of materials supports the professional learning in our 5-day Force & Motion course.
Energy Course Materials
This comprehensive set of materials supports the professional learning in our 5-day Energy course.
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