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Data Sentence Starter Classroom Posters

Engaging students in meaningful discussions about data requires them to have an awareness of the data’s context (Why am I looking at the data?), an ability to describe and attend to details in data representations (What do I see in the plot? How are the data distributed? What is the variability in the data?), and opportunities to identify features within the data that are relevant to the claim or question at hand (What does this data tell me? How can I use it to answer my question?). 

These classroom posters provide a collection of sentence starters to help guide student discussions focused:

Asking Questions and Exploring data

Analyzing, Interpreting, and Communicating data

Questions We Can Ask Each Other About Data

Data Sentence Starter Classroom Posters
  • Type: PDF
  • Audience: For teachers, coaches, and leaders

Companion Resources & Services

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Entryways to Data

This one-page resource highlights a data investigation process that includes multiple entryways for engaging learners in data-rich instruction.

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Principles of Data Rich Instruction PDF resource preview

Principles of Data-Rich Instruction

This resource highlights key principles for supporting data-rich learning for middle and high school students and provides examples of how they may be incorporated in classrooms.

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