Our team facilitates professional learning sessions for national, state, and local conferences and pre-conference short courses — custom-designed to support conference learning strands, both remote and in-person.
Previous session topics have included phenomena-based instruction, shifting to multidimensional next generation education, making sense of student work, exploring next generation innovations, change management, leadership development, best practices in distance learning, and various hard-to-teach science content (e.g., water cycle, acceleration, cellular differentiation).
Recent presentations:
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- California Educational Research Association (CERA)
- California Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
- National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
- National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
- National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA)
- New Mexico STEM Symposium
- Wisconsin Rural Schools Alliance (WiRSA)
- Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers (WSST)